Photos for mac raw
Photos for mac raw

See this user tip: Deleting RAW files from RAW&JPEG pair… - Apple Community It will be a lot of work, because you also have to save the adjustments and the metadata before deleting the pair. To remove either the RAW or the JPEG component you have to export the pair with"File > export > Export unmodified original", delete it from the library, then reimport only the component you want to keep in your library.This will not duplicate the originals, just the edited versions. We can compare the Original and the JPEG version, if we duplicate the stacked photo and switch one copy to Raw and one copy to JPEG as the original.

photos for mac raw

Changes to the handling of RAW&JPEG pairs - Apple Community In Catalina this can be done for a batch of photos at once. We can switch between the originals for selected images using the Image menu "Image > Use RAW as Original".You will see a badge on the thumbnail, either "J" or "R", depending in the format of the current original file. In the menu View > Metadata enable "File Type".We can see which photo is currently the original, if we enable the badge overly for the file type: The Raw & JPEG pairs will be stacked as one photo and Photos will use the JPEG file as the original by default. Photos will import both files and does us not allow us to remove either component. When importing the pairs directly into Photos: The screenshot below shows, how I can select the CR2 files from my Canon camera after sorting by kind in Image Capture. And set "Import to" at the bottom of the panel to "Photos":.Just click the title of the column with "Kind" to sort by the kind.Connect your camera to a USB port or insert a card into the card reader and launch Image Capture.The column View in Image Capture lets you sort the image files by the kind and this way you can easily select only the RAW files for importing to Photos (or only the JPEGS). To prevent Photos from importing both components of the pair, you could use Image Capture to import your image files from the camera to Photos selectively. If you only want one of the components in your library, it will be easier to import selectively, instead of having to split the pairs after import:

photos for mac raw

When we shoot RAW&JPEG pairs and import them directly to Photos, there is no option to import only the RAW files or the JPEG files.

Photos for mac raw